
A list of publications, reports, and research papers about the black-footed cat (Felis negripes), including many written by members of the Black-footed Cat Working Group.


Sliwa, A., B. Wilson, M. Rodgers, J. Anver, M. Schroeder, M. Küsters & M. Hauptfleisch 2020. Report on surveying and monitoring Black-footed cats (Felis nigripes) on Benfontein Nature Reserve and in Namibia in 2019.


Sliwa, A., Küsters, M. & M. Hauptfleisch 2019. Report on surveying for Black-footed cats in southern Namibia, January 2019.

Sliwa, A., Wilson, B., Küsters, M., Lawrenz, A., Herrick, J., Eggers, B., Herden, M., Kennerknecht, S., Rodgers, M. 2019. Report on surveying, catching and monitoring Black-footed cats (Felis nigripes) on Benfontein Nature Reserve, Nuwejaarsfontein and Taaiboschpoort Farms in 2018.


Sliwa, A., Wilson, B., Küsters, M., Lawrenz, A., Eggers, B., Moresco, A., Marais, P. and Marais, S. 2017. Report on surveying, catching and monitoring Black-footed Cats (Felis nigripes) on Benfontein Nature Reserve, Nuwejaarsfontein and Taaiboschpoort Farms in 2016.


Sliwa, A., Wilson, B., Küsters, M. and Tordiffe, A. 2016. Felis nigripes. The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species 2016: e.T8542A50652196

Sliwa, A., Wilson, B., Küsters, M., Tordiffe, A., Lawrenz, A. and Marais, S. 2016. Report on surveying, catching and monitoring Black-footed cats (Felis nigripes) on Benfontein Nature Reserve, Nuwejaarsfontein and Taaiboschpoort Farms in 2015.


Kamler, J.F., Stenkewitz, U., Sliwa, A., Wilson, B., Lamberski, N., Herrick, J.R. and Macdonald, D.W. 2015. Ecological relationships of Black-footed cats (Felis nigripes) and sympatric canids in South Africa. Mammalian Biology 80: 122–127.

Sliwa, A. 2015. Neues aus der Schwarzfußkatzenforschung – die Jahre 2006 – 2015. Zeitschrift des Kölner Zoos 58 (2): 111–121.

Sliwa, A., Wilson, B., Küsters, M., Lawrenz, A., Eggers, B., Herrick, J., Tordiffe, A., Marais, P., Marais, S. 2015. Report on surveying, catching and monitoring Black-footed cats (Felis nigripes) on Benfontein Nature Reserve, Nuwejaarsfontein and Taaiboschpoort Farms in 2014.


Kusters, M. 2013. Distribution and Conservation Status of the Black-Footed cat Felis nigripes in Namibia. Project Updates: July 2013 and October 2013. Progress reports to The Rufford Foundation.

Sliwa, A. 2013. Black-footed Lightning. Africa Geographic, June: 27–31.

Sliwa, A., Wilson, B., Lamberski, N., Lawrenz, A. 2013. Report on surveying, catching and monitoring Black-footed cats (Felis nigripes) on Benfontein Nature Reserve, Nuwejaarsfontein Farm, and Biesiesfontein in 2012.


Sliwa, A., Wilson, B., Lamberski, N., Lawrenz, A., Herrick, J. 2011. Report on surveying and catching Black-footed cats (Felis nigripes) on Nuwejaarsfontein Farm / Benfontein Nature Reserve in 2011.

Zimmermann, P. A., Lawrenz, A., Sliwa, A. 2011. Untersuchungen zu Amyloidose und Akute-Phase-Proteinen bei Schwarzfußkatzen (Felis nigripes). Tierärztliche Umschau 66: 364–368.


Sliwa, A. 2006. Report on surveying and catching Black-footed cats (Felis nigripes) on Benfontein Game Farm, November 8–22, 2006.

Sliwa, A. 2006. Seasonal and sex-specific prey composition of black-footed cats Felis nigripes Acta Theriologica 51 (2): 195–204.


Sliwa, A., Schürer, U. 2004. International Studbook for the black-footed cat (Felis nigripes). Vol. 13, 2002/2003. Zoologischer Garten der Stadt Wuppertal, Wuppertal, Germany, July 2004.

Sliwa, A. 2004. Black-footed cats – spotted nocturnal hunters. African Wildlife 58 (3): 16–19.

Sliwa, A. 2004. Home range size and social organisation of black-footed cats (Felis nigripes). Mammalian Biology 69 (2): 96–107.


Sunquist, M., Sunquist, F. 2002. Black-footed Cat. In Wild Cats of the World. Chicago, London. Pp. 75–82.


Sliwa, A. 2001. Seasonal and Sex-specific Prey Composition of Black-footed Cats (Felis nigripes). Abstract No. 343. 8th International Theriological Congress, 12–17 August, 2001, Sun City, South Africa.


Sliwa, A., Schürer, U. 2000. International Studbook for the black-footed Cat (Felis nigripes). Zoologischer Garten der Stadt Wuppertal.

Sliwa, A. 2000. Black-footed cat: a mighty night. National Geographic magazine, Earth Almanach section. March 2000

Sliwa, A. 2000. Schwarzfußkatzen: Verbindung zwischen Freilandforschung und Haltung im Zoo Wuppertal. Zoomagazin NRW 6 (1): 50–54.


Sliwa, A. 1999. Stalking the black-footed cat – secrets in the night. International Wildlife 29 (3): 28–43.

Sliwa, A. 1999. Field research on black-footed cats. Project Survival, Quarterly Newsletter of the Cat Conservation Group, Vol. 1 (4): 1–3.


Molteno, A. J., Sliwa, A., Richardson, P. R. K. 1998. The role of scent marking in a free-ranging, female black-footed cat (Felis nigripes). Journal of Zoology 245 (1): 35–41.

Sliwa, A. 1998. Social Organization of the black-footed cat, Felis nigripes in the Kimberley Region, South Africa. Abstract No. 503, p. 295. Euro-American Mammals Congress, Santiago de Compostela, Spain, 19-24 July 1998.

Sliwa, A. 1998. Africa’s smallest feline – the Black-footed Cat, five years of research. Endangered Wildlife 28: 10–13.


Sliwa, A. 1997. Black-footed Cat Field Research. Cat News 27: 20–21.

Sliwa, A. 1997. Black-footed Cat. In: G. Mills and L. Hes (eds.) The Complete Book of Southern African Mammals. Struik Winchester, Cape Town. Pp. 189.

Olbricht, G., Sliwa, A. 1997. In situ and ex situ observations and management of black-footed cats (Felis nigripes). International Zoo Yearbook 35: 81–89.


Apps, P. 1996. Smithers’ Mammals of Southern Africa. Southern Book Publishers, Halfway House.

Nowell, K. & Jackson, P. 1996. Black-footed cat, Felis nigripes Burchell, 1824. Pp. 8–10 in: Wild Cats: Status Survey and Conservation Action Plan< IUCN, Gland, Switzerland.

Sliwa, A. 1996. Black-footed cat in situ, Benfontein Game Farm, Kimberley, South Africa. Unpublished report.

Sliwa, A. 1996. Blue Cranes and Black-footed cats. Griqua Gnus, January 1996: 9.

Sliwa, A. 1996. Pleasures and Worries of a Black-Footed Cat Field Study in South Africa. Cat Times 23: 1–3.

Sliwa, A. 1996. Small-spotted Cat (Black-footed Cat). In: P. Apps (ed.) Smithers’ Mammals of Southern Africa. Southern Book Publishers, Halfway House. Pp. 265–266.


Olbricht, G., Sliwa, A. 1995. Comparative development of juvenile Black-footed cats at Wuppertal Zoo and elsewhere. International Studbook for the Black-footed cat (Felis nigripes), Wuppertal 1995: 8–20.

Olbricht, G., Sliwa, A. 1995. Analyse der Jugendentwicklung von Schwarzfußkatzen (Felis nigripes) im Zoologischen Garten Wuppertal im Vergleich zur Literatur. Der Zoologische Garten 65 (4): 224-236.

Sliwa, A. 1995. Black-footed Cats. In Vision of Wildlife, Ecotourism and the Environment in Southern Africa. 1995 Annual of the Endangered Wildlife Trust, Johannisburg: 56–59.

Sliwa, A. 1995. The Black-footed Cat – efficient rodent killer. Farmer’s Weekly, April 21, No. 85016: 16–19.


Olbricht, G., Schürer, U. 1994. International Studbook for the Black-footed Cat 1994. Zoologischer Garten der Stadt Wuppertal.

Sliwa, A. 1994. Diet and feeding behaviour of the Black-footed Cat (Felis nigripes Burchell, 1824) in the Kimberley Region, South Africa. Der Zoologische Garten N.F. 64: 83–96.

Sliwa, A. 1994. Black-footed cat studies in South Africa. Cat News (20): 15–19.

Sliwa, A. 1994. Marsh Owl (Asio capensis) associating with Black-footed Cat (Felis nigripes). Gabar 9 (2): 23–24.


Sliwa, A. 1993. Small spotted hunting machines. Griqua Gnus

Sliwa, A. 1993. A habitat description and first data on ecology and behaviour of the Black-footed Cat (Felis nigripes) in the Kimberley area, South Africa. Internationales Zuchtbuch für die Schwarzfußkatze / International Studbook for the Black-footed Cat. Zoologischer Garten der Stadt Wuppertal.


Green, R. 1991. Wild cat species of the world. Basset, Plymouth.

Dmoch, R. 1988–1991. Internationales Zuchtbuch für die Schwarzfußkatze (Felis nigripes, Burchell, 1822). Zoologischer Garten Frankfurt.


Mangold, W. 1989. The Black-footed Cat. Malignant or maligned? African Wildlife 43 (2): 12–13.

Mellen, J. 1989. Reproductive behaviour of small captive cats (Felis ssp.) Ph.D. dissertation, University of California, Davis.


Schürer, U. 1988. Breeding black-footed cats at Wuppertal Zoo, with notes on their reproductive biology. Paper presented at the 5th Conference on Breeding Endangered Species in Captivity, Cincinnati, Ohio.


Leyhausen, P. 1985. Katzen – eine Verhaltenskunde. Verlag Paul Parey. Berlin, Stuttgart.


Stuart, C.T. 1982. The distribution of small-spotted cat (Felis nigripes). The Naturalist 26 (3): 8–9.

pre 1980

Schürer, U. 1978. Breeding black-footed cats in captivity. Carnivore 1: 109–111.

Armstrong, J. 1977. The development and hand-rearing of black-footed cats. In: R. L. Eaton (ed). The World’s cats III (3). Carnivore Research Institute, University of Minnesota. Pp. 71–80.

Armstrong, J. 1975. Hand-rearing black-footed cats (Felis nigripes) at the National Zoological Park, Washington. International Zoo Yearbook 15: 245–249.

Tonkin, B. A. 1972. Notes on longevity in three species of felids. International Zoo Yearbook 12: 181–182.

Meester, J. A. J. et al. 1971. The Mammals of Africa: An Identification Manual. Smithsonian Institution, Washington D.C.

Gropp, A. et al. 1968. Karyotype of the black-footed cat (Felis nigripes). Mammalian Chromosomes Newsletter 9: 20–21.

Visser, J. 1967. The cat with black feet. Zoonoz (May).

Leyhausen, P. and Tonkin, B. 1966. Breeding the black-footed cat (Felis nigripes) in captivity. International Zoo Yearbook 6 (1): 178–182.

Leyhausen, P. 1962. Ein Katzenzwerg aus Südwest-Afrika. Umschau in Wissenschaft und Technik (60): 24.

Weigel, I. 1961. Das Fellmuster der wildlebenden Katzenarten und der Hauskatze in vergleichender.